A Cashless Society Is A Controlled Society- If Everything Must go Through an Online Banking or Credit Card Process, Then You Have Just Lost Virtually all Control Over What You Buy.
Having cash makes it easier to buy direct from individuals.
Transactions such as getting a great deal on a vintage bureau on Craigslist or scooping up a baby stroller at a garage sale are easier with cash for everyone involved.
And those possible situations are just everyday occurrences.
You also might want to avail yourself of a chance to get in on a friend’s bulk purchase by buying just one pair out of a dozen gloves or a small bag of artisan flour out of a 50-pound sack.
It also would be a shame to pass up a purchase of fresh delectable produce at a stand beside the road, or to miss an opportunity to donate a few dollars to a good cause because you did not have money handy to do so.
Building up a supply of money at home for true disasters works on the same principle.
Stuff happens.
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