Saturday, July 13, 2024

Will The Left Respect Democracy If Trump Wins?

 In addition to the Jim Crow civil rights violations against African-Americans starting during Reconstruction, various "Bosses" from both parties orchestrated patronage systems designed to facilitate electoral wins by any means fair or foul to keep the graft gravy train running: phantom voters, ballot box stuffing, multiple voting by individual voters in the same election, etc.

How can anyone state they will accept the rectitude and the outcome of an election that has not happened yet? Granted, in demanding Republicans and MAGA supporters concede this determination in advance, the left is attempting to promote its "Insurrectionist" narrative.

Well, if recent history is any guide-and it is-the left is reserving its rights to dispute any 2024 election procedure, real or imagined, and the election of Mr. Trump.

After Mr. Trump won the election, the Russiagate lie was used to falsely discredit his election and subvert his presidency through baseless investigations by a politically weaponized federal bureaucracy.

Heading into the 2024 election, even as leftists are engaged in pro-Hamas protests that spew virulently anti-Semitic tropes and veiled threats of violence, having sparse policy achievements to cite, the Democrats are further fueling domestic division and discord with their paranoia-addled appeals to their base, such as the "Loss of their rights," and, recently, the risible claim a recent Supreme Court decision will allow a re-elected President Trump to order "Death squads" to eliminate his opponents with impunity.

In sum, Democrats, who already believe anything they do to defeat Mr. Trump is justified, are afraid democracy will destroy "Our democracy".

In consequence, it is both valid and imperative to ask whether the left will respect democracy if Mr. Trump wins.

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