Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump Requested Heightened Security Resources From Secret Service For Weeks, Was Denied

Radio host, conservative commentator, and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino condemned the lax tactics of Donald Trump's Secret Service security detail after an assassination attempt Saturday afternoon and the murder of a rally attendee.

Bongino laid particular blame at the feet of United States Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle.

I want to repeat, and can absolutely confirm, the USSS Director Kim Cheatle has repeatedly turned down requests for a larger security footprint around President Trump.

Actively communicating with a number of former colleagues from the Secret Service about the assassination attempt.

Davis' sources also stated that the requests from the Trump campaign to beef up his Secret Service detail had been rebuffed, more than once.

Dbongino calls on Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle to resign immediately after attempted Trump assassination.

Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle comment that there weren't any credible threats just last week. 

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