Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 Whether you refer to "They" as the Deep State, invisible government, ruling elite, globalist oligarchs, or shadowy men in smoke filled backrooms, we are just bit players in this surreal horror movie.

The Church Committee in the mid-1970s further revealed the depth and breadth of the traitorous activities of the CIA and the surveillance state bureaucracy.

Mike Lofgren defined the Deep State in his 2016 book, describing how the consent of the governed has been nothing more than a fantasy for many decades in this country.

We are now at war with the Deep State, and anyone associated with their criminal deeds.

Their biggest hurdle is their ballot rigging operation only works in the swing states when the vote is reasonably close.

The Deep State may have provided Trump with a stark reminder about who really runs the show.

We already know the neo-con branch of the Deep State has been saber rattling towards both Russia and China.

The Deep State is certainly capable of creating a false flag that kills hundreds or thousands of innocents, blaming white nationalist Trumpers for the tragedy.

The Deep State thrives on violence, chaos, war, and a fearful populace, begging to be saved.

The Deep State is conducting the war against Russia.

The Deep State has no qualms about killing millions to attain their goals and retain their wealth, power and control over the masses.

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