Friday, July 5, 2024

They Lied to You

 After last Thursday's CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, in which President Joe Biden delivered a catastrophic performance for the ages, there is only one conclusion: The yearslong effort by Biden administration flunkies, Democratic Party poohbahs and pro-Regime media stenographers to forcefully deny Biden's obvious physical and mental decline will go down as the single greatest lie in American history.

When Biden fell off a stationary bicycle in 2022, handlers brushed it off as no big deal.

When Biden started wearing funny-looking tennis sneakers instead of dress shoes, presumably in order to stabilize his gait and prevent debilitating falls, aides informed us that Biden was just embracing a certain sartorial savviness.

When former Special Counsel Robert Hur declined to pursue charges against Biden due to the fact he "Would likely present himself to a jury ... as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory," media apparatchiks denounced Hur as a "Trump plant" in the Justice Department.

After multiple videos emerged of Biden freezing, staring and wandering off, The New York Times called them "Misleading"; the Biden White House dismissed them as "Cheap fakes." The Wall Street Journal's recent story in which reporters interviewed 45 officials who expressed concern about Biden's senescence was excoriated as a "Hit job." All along the way, costly "Gaffes" - such as Biden inadvertently calling for regime change in Moscow during a March 2022 visit to Warsaw - were simply chalked up to Uncle Joe being Uncle Joe.

This column two years ago, in lamenting Biden's "Indications of a palpable senility," concluded that "[t]here is something very, very clearly wrong with the president of the United States.

America is wildly insecure under the "Leadership" of Biden.

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