Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Supreme Court Ruled Not For Trump But For The Office Of The President

 The US Supreme Court has ruled that a president has immunity for official acts, but not for personal acts.

Has it ever been established that it is an official act for a president to have a US citizen murdered without due process? Perhaps it has happened secretly by the CIA but my impression is that President Obama's murder of the Muslim religious leader who was an American citizen was the first public murder without due process and conviction delivering a death penalty.

The Supreme Court majority emphasized that a president must have immunity for official acts or he can be stopped by law suits and politically motivated charges from performing his designated functions.

If a president believes an election is fraudulent, it is his responsibility, and thereby an official act, for him to have the election verified.

What we should be disturbed about is the ability of the Democrats and the whore media to disrupt the 4-year term of a US president with a series of false charges that were never confirmed and then to use unconfirmed charges to indict a former president in an effort to prevent him from again running for president.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor claims that "The President is now a king above the law." Democrat US Representative Bennie Thompson, chairman of the January 6 Insurrection Committee, declared the US Supreme Court to be "Lawless and corrupt."

Why aren't these charges from Sotomayor and Thompson applied to where they belong? Where were Sotomayor and Thompson when President Obama claimed the power of a king to assassinate a US citizen without due process of law? Where were they when President George W. Bush claimed the power of a feudal lord to detain suspects indefinitely without due process of law?

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