Thursday, July 4, 2024

The left-wing media has seen the decline of Joe Biden for years, and now it’s out in the open

 Carl Bernstein just let the cat out of the bag about the media conspiracy to hide Joe Biden's long-running cognitive collapse from voters.

The former fabled Watergate ­reporter-turned-Trump-derange-ment merchant told CNN this week that he knew of 15 or 20 occasions in the past 18 months when Joe Biden's brain has malfunctioned as it did during last week's debate.

All they are worried about now is that Biden might lose the election.

It was obvious to every reporter on the campaign trail during the 2020 campaign that Biden was suffering from some form of cognitive impairment.

Having covered up Biden's cognitive deficits and corruption for four years, now the Pulitzer Prize-winning newsrooms are gaslighting us again, pretending they didn't ignore signs of dementia in the commander in chief or harangue the few reporters in DC who tried to ask questions about it.

Biden imploded for 90 minutes on live television, and now they are like cockroaches scrambling to get out of the light that exposes their fakery.

Just two weeks ago, they were echoing White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's claims that videos of a seemingly disoriented president meandering around at the G7 or having to be led off stage by Barack Obama were "Cheap fakes," manipulated or deceptively cropped by right-wingers.

Even on Wednesday, he was told there was no room for him at Biden's event in the enormous East Room.

"Ask the wrong question and we'll cut off your access." That explains in part why the Washington press corps' coverage of Biden's dementia has been limited, but it doesn't absolve their editors' failure to treat the story with the gravitas it deserved ­before they were forced to.

"Shame on the White House press corps for not [having] pierced the veil of secrecy surrounding the president," former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson told Semafor.

Now donors whine Those wealthy Democrat donors now whining that they were hoodwinked by the Biden campaign should be aiming their ire at their preferred august media organs that lied right up until it was impossible to sustain the fiction that Biden was "Sharp as a tack." If they read The Post, they would not be caught by surprise - about a lot of things.

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