First, documentary propagandist Michael Moore ecstatically asserted in a recent blog post that under a presidential administration of mixed-race Kamala Harris, white America "Will be shown the door." What does that even mean? How would that play out? It's unclear, but what is clear is that the Left and its favorite filmmaker Michael Moore revel in a cultural milieu they created which reeks of open, anti-white racism.
Imagine the media conflagration that would ensue if a right-wing pundit crowed that under a Trump presidency, black America would be "Shown the door." But the Left has constructed a culture in which it is socially acceptable to demonize white people as the fount of all evil and oppression.
An even more egregious example of anti-white bigotry exhibited by the Left in the last couple of days was a jaw-droppingly stupid smear of Trump's vice-presidential running mate JD Vance from MSNBC "Political analyst" Molly Jong-Fast.
You would also think that a so-called political analyst would be honest enough to ask herself if a white man who marries a non-white woman and has a larger-than-average number of biracial children could legitimately be defined as a white supremacist.
Note Michael Moore's giddy claim above, to take just one example, that white America under a President Harris will be "Shown the door." What is that if not reveling in the idea of intentionally replacing white people?
One of the ways the racist Left tries to delegitimize and deconstruct the nuclear family is by linking it to white supremacy.
George Mason University Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote earlier this year that "Marriage fundamentalism" - the espousal of the superiority of the two-parent married family - is "a hidden or unacknowledged structural mechanism of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy" which perpetuates "Family inequality in the United States." She believes we need "To disrupt these mechanisms" in order to "Advance family equality and justice." Of course, the "Disruption" of the two-parent married family has been disastrous for black communities across America, but Letiecq and her fellow leftists won't address that because they don't care about blacks; their focus is subverting the white nuclear family.
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