Journalists, academics, and Hollywood continue to falsely reify the Democrat party as heroically saving black people from the throes of anti-black racism.
In the aftermath of the Tulsa massacre of a vibrant black community on June 1, 1921, Oklahoma Democrat partisans told reporters the next morning, "Yes, you Republicans made quite a muss of things." Harding and Coolidge campaigned in Oklahoma in the fall of 1920 in favor of political equality between blacks and whites.
The term "Republican" was used throughout the early 20th century by Democrat partisans as a political slur against those who were either black or black sympathizers.
After working for more than a year under Nixon, his black friends insisted that he resign, believing that Republicans were not on the side of the black community.
Farmer always believed that the black community should not be exclusively controlled by either the Democrats or the Republicans.
In more recent history, one of the nation's most significant black historians, Carol Swain, retired from Vanderbilt University due to public pressure about her political statements against this type of reactionary ideological history.
Biden said prior to winning the South Carolina primary in 2020 that black voters were not black if they did not vote for him.
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