Thursday, July 11, 2024

Steve Bannon and Ignatius of Antioch

 Stephen F. Bannon is no St. Ignatius, but in his own domain, Bannon is a unique socio-political evangelist and pariah of an extraordinary order.

Bannon is a keen and persuasive promoter of the socio-political antagony not of left versus right, but the elitist intelligentsia versus the people, the rest of us.

Bannon's streaming radio/simulcast broadcast, War Room, Monday through Saturday, is almost always a free-wheeling, bracing political and social barbeque, along with roving reports from all over the U.S., Central America, the U.K., and Rome, with few filters and edges not yet molested by a censor's rasp.

Bannon's America First ultra-MAGA bazaar combines Judeo-Christian nationalism, sealed borders and sovereignty, ending foreign wars that only benefit the military industry and its sponsors, and deconstruction of the administrative state, along with die-hard anti-communism of the old order, devoted to vanquishing the Chinese Communist Party, extolling the pre-Mao Revolution Chinese diaspora.

Bannon is an intellectual pugilist, from the same electromagnetic polemic field as the late Christopher Hitchens, willing to dispense an arsenal of unvarnished, discomfiting truth-telling, be it good versus evil, beauty versus ugliness, justice versus oppression, elite globalists versus plain folk, and all that W.H. Auden envisioned as an artist with words - making, knowing, and judging.

Of course, Hitchens and Bannon shared nothing about faith - Hitchens the unrepentant atheist, Bannon the Tertullian-ish Roman Catholic, where the incarnation, death, and resurrection of God, in Jesus Christ, indeed is absurd, shameful, and impossible, thus must be true - indeed, the only transcendent truth of the universe.

Steve Bannon is now marinating as a proud political convict in the Danbury, Conn. federal prison for four months because he committed a misdemeanor by defying an illegitimate subpoena from Democrat party congressional cabal otherwise known as the J6 committee. 

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