Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Propaganda: How The Media Handles Biden's Rapid Decline And The Trump Shooting

Twenty years ago, I wrote in a Mises Wire piece that modern media was a Progressive-era relic that was imploding, and that implosion continues apace today.

The Duke case solidified my view that the modern progressive media is worse than useless.

For all its braying that it is "Protecting democracy," our media today does nothing more than protect progressive narratives.

In the end, progressive narratives overpowered real medical science, but by then, the media had moved on to other things.

One can accuse the NYT and other progressive media of hypocrisy and outright lying, but hypocrisy and outright lying have been a staple of progressive news coverage for years.

First, the media jumps in with both feet on something that fits a progressive narrative and ignores anything that might "Cloud their vision." In the Duke case, for example, almost none of the media claims in the first few weeks were true, including the accusation that the lacrosse team had put up a "Wall of silence."

Will the media look inward this time? After all, we have been reading in the mainstream press that Donald Trump is the latest incarnation of Adolph Hitler and that he will impose a dictatorship if elected.


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