Saturday, July 13, 2024

"Project 2025" Is Just "Project 1981"

What would be far more surprising is if the Heritage Foundation, which drafted the document now being wailed about by every Democratic pundit, had not maximally ingratiated itself with Trump - in fact, the Trump Administration's embrace of the Heritage Foundation was already well underway during his first term.

Desperate for a campaign pivot amidst Joe Biden's cognitive implosion, are using their usual overwrought melodrama to hype "Project 2025" as slam-dunk proof that Trump obviously represents an Existential Threat To American Democracy™ or whatever.

Amusingly, Trump has been busy lately 'disavowing' Project 2025, but that's neither here nor there.

Christopher C. Miller, who briefly served as Trump's "Acting" Secretary of Defense, writes in his Project 2025 contribution that the next Conservative Administration must "Prevent Beijing's hegemony over Asia," including by "Modernizing and expanding the US nuclear arsenal." Because we all know that what the "Deep State" fears most is pouring untold billions into nuclear weapons boondoggles that will keep themselves and their corporate partners gainfully employed in perpetuity.

As far as the Ukraine war, the author of the State Department portion of the tome, Kiron Skinner, a former Director of Policy Planning in Trump's State Department, attempts to distill what she concludes to be the consensus "Conservative viewpoint" with respect to Ukraine: "Continued US involvement must be fully paid for; limited to military aid; and have a clearly defined national security strategy that does not risk American lives."

The final War Funding Bill that Trump backed in April thus included a requirement for the Biden Administration to send Ukraine longer-range missile systems, which was then followed by Biden's authorization for Ukraine to strike territorial Russia with US-provided materiel.

The document merely recommends mild bureaucratic reorganization, some of which it says has already been implemented by the Biden Administration - at the urging of the outgoing Trump Administration!

The "Intelligence" section of the document further advises the renewal of FISA warrantless surveillance, declaring that "Section 702 should be understood as an essential tool in the fight against terrorism, malicious cyber actors, and Chinese espionage." Which again nicely aligns with Trump's position, so far as it can be ascertained, seeing as he backed MAGA Mike Johnson's successful effort to renew FISA in April, on the understanding that they both wanted Trump to be the one wielding that power when it next comes up for reauthorization in two years.

So when the MSNBC crowd shrieks that Project 2025 is the terrifying roadmap for the next Trump Administration, they perhaps have it half right.

So you might as well call the plan Project 1981 rather than Project 2025.

There's plenty to be "Alarmed" by in "Project 2025," but none of it is particularly unique to Trump. 

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