Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Progressives Shalt Steal

Already, Joe Biden has unveiled plans to raise corporate taxes by one third and slam billionaires with higher tax rates, wealth taxes, and taxes on unrealized gains.

How much is your life worth? What Biden and Sanders are doing, in effect, is attempting to steal the profits of drug companies - and, truth be known, of every other company and person who has money, so as to put it under their own control to use for political power.

Biden's proposed taxes would be crippling to the U.S. economy.

Biden has already demonstrated his ability to squander $7 billion to build 7 E.V. charging stations or to contribute $618 million to UNRWA, much of which found its way to Hamas, and credible sources allege that some UNRWA staff, funded by Biden, actually took part in the October 7 massacres and hostage-taking in Israel.

On July 15, 2022, President Biden reaffirmed his support for a Palestinian state, which would almost certainly be controlled by Hamas, and pledged even greater funding for UNRWA. That is exactly the sort of "Investment" of our tax dollars that progressives have in mind.

What does the average American gain from Biden's ceaseless commitment to the Palestinians and to UNRWA? After only one week in operation, a $320-million "Investment," the temporary pier that Biden built to transport aid to the Palestinians broke loose in a storm and began to sink.

That's the kind of return we can expect from everything Biden and the progressives touch, and it is impoverishing Americans. 


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