Wednesday, July 3, 2024

POLITICO Dumps Cold Water All Over Biden's 'Nice Old Man' Image In Yet Another Damning Report

 Ever since President Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance from last Thursday, there's been a flurry of media reports signaling what we've known all along.

As a telling part of the report mentions : But inside the White House, Biden's growing limitations were becoming apparent long before his meltdown in last week's debate, with the senior team's management of the president growing more strictly controlled as his term has gone on.

Recommended There Is Some Serious Blood in the Water Regarding Kicking Biden Off the Ticket Matt Vespa POLITICO also brings up issues with the president in the context of not just the debate, but what what his fellow Democrats have known and kept from the American people.

Senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates denied that briefing materials have been curated to avoid upsetting Biden, calling that suggestion "False." But now, after Biden's abysmal performance in the first debate, even some White House staffers are among a growing group of Democratic lawmakers, fundraisers, operatives and activists who have concluded - with sudden clarity - that the cloistered Biden inner sanctum itself is to blame for their current predicament.

"The whole planning, preparation was political malpractice," Democratic megadonor John Morgan said in an interview, laying blame on "The cabal" of the president's closest aides, including Klain, Dunn and her husband, Biden's personal lawyer, Bob Bauer.

Democrats frustrated with Biden's insular senior team are well acquainted with the longtime aides who continue to have the president's ear: Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Bruce Reed, as well as Ted Kaufman and Klain on the outside.

As Leah covered earlier on Tuesday, a fellow with The New York Times was interviewing voters but his interview was cut short by a Biden staffer when the conversation turned critical of the president.

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