Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Neocons Still Trying to Create WWIII Before the Election

 As long as the West continues to allow the Neocons to control this war, then there will be no stopping World War III. These people have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons.

These Neocons have waged endless wars since Vietnam.

They had lied to the American public to justify their wars as MacNamara sought to clear his conscience before he died and said, "WE WERE WRONG" about Vietnam, that the Russians were not involved, and it was just a civil war.

The cost of this War on Terror Brown University has conducted a study and placed it at $8 trillion, again with no victory.

Bidens Neocons Ukraine Attacks Donbas 4 23 2014 Video Player 00:00 02:29 It was Victoria Nuland who hand-picked the UNELECTED government in Ukraine and instructed it to begin the civil war, attacking the Donbas to lure in Putin so they could conquer Russia; with their track record, they would lose again.

Ukraine cannot hit Russian ships in the Black Sea or attack installations inside Russia without American intelligence and the use of spy satellites.

This means we are already at war with Russia.

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