Friday, July 12, 2024

More concern and a major discussion on what we are facing. Critical Thinking vs Protocols.


Dr. Shankara Chetty, MD and Dr. Phillip McMillan evaluating in detail manifestations of the disease process of Covid, where the spike protein is believed to be some type of activator of an anti-auto-immune response. 
 3 Tests that could be crucial 
CRP test, C-reactive protein (CRP) Test, 
 Interleukin test, IL-6 test, (Video says inter lucans later referred to as IL-6 test,
Interleukin-6 test), and
D-dimer test. 
 A.) More: With Dr. Chetty and Dr. Phillip McMillan more on tests, critical thinking vs protocols,
 B.) More: With Dr. Drew and Dr. Urso 

The Hope Accord
Petition to sign for stopping mRNA vax and get more research properly done. 
 5 Major Points 
1. The immediate suspension of the covid-19 mRNA vaccine products 
2. A comprehensive re-evaluation of the safety and efficacy of all covid-19 vaccine products
3. The immediate recognition and support for the vaccine-injured 
4. The restoration of ethical principles abandoned during the covid-19 era 
5. Addressing the root causes of our current predicament 
B.) Evidence Supporting these Concerns\ 
C.) Discussion by Dr. John Campbell  

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