Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Many Substances Used For Food Processing Are Never Listed On Ingredient Labels

 Processing aids serve various roles in food production.

Processing aids include a variety of substances used in food production, including clarifying agents, clouding agents, catalysts, flocculants, filter aids, and crystallization inhibitors.

"There [are] risks in all processes; there [are] definitely potential side effects and negative aspects that need to be looked into," Tim Bowser, the food process engineer at the Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center at Oklahoma State University, told The Epoch Times.

The nature of processing aids determines that "They do not have that ability to cheat" and are less likely to be used for deception and adulteration.

Food processing aids are meant only to assist in production and have no other purpose, said Mr. Bucknavage.

Firstly, food manufacturing companies conduct inspections of the processing aids and their production processes.

Secondly, major food processing firms and most retailers supplying large chain stores, such as Walmart or Costco, must obtain certification from third-party organizations before their products can be shelved. 


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