Monday, July 15, 2024

Insurrections and the Leviathan State

 They weren't politicians or soldiers; they didn't try to take over the government.

The legal authority of the federal government of the United States is rooted in two things: elections and the Constitution.

Disobeying the Constitution - by refusing to perform the duties it requires, by exceeding the clear limits it places on government itself, or by meddling with those aforementioned elections, constitutes an assault on our constitutional government, and would therefore be an actual takeover of the government - a substitution of lawless tyranny for the legitimate government our Framers intended for us.

For eight years, politicized rogue employees of the federal government, primarily in the Department of Justice, knowingly fed an array of libels and slanders against Donald J. Trump, and simultaneously, discounted or denied evidence of Biden family corruption - before, during, and after Trump's time as President - through such things as the faked Steele Dossier, the refusals to follow up on hundreds of private bank reports of Biden family corruption, and the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop.

For most of the past century, but especially in recent decades, Democratic operatives have engineered a method of illegal government expansion in which they would populate government bureaucracies and the judiciary with technocrats who would routinely exceed their agencies' legal authority, growing the power and destructive capacity of the regulatory state far beyond what the Constitution allows, even far beyond what the congressional intent had been when creating these agencies, inflicting upon America a tyrannical and unpredictable government by people and ideology, rather than a constitutional government limited by written law.

What is an insurrection? Simply put, an insurrection is the lawless takeover of a country's government; successful insurrections are usually accomplished by both inside and outside participants, usually placed in all branches of government, with outside support from subsets of the news media, popular culture, or the elites.

Why does the government of the United States no longer serve the American people or follow the clear dictates of the Constitution? Because there has indeed been an insurrection over the years - led, managed, and perpetuated by the Left. 

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