Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day and the Uncelebrated Hero

 Amid the revelry and patriotic fervor, we should also remember a day that, while lesser known, is equally vital to the fabric of our nation: Constitution Day, observed on September 17.

Whereas Independence Day marks the birth of our nation, Constitution Day commemorates the birth of the framework that governs it.

With its seven articles and 27 amendments, the Constitution establishes a great restraining device to protect the freedom of the individual against excessive governmental power.

These great rights are not given by the Constitution.

The Constitution guarantees that by man-made law, these God-given rights are safeguarded and protected for Americans.

In short, the Constitution, with its birthday often tragically overlooked by most Americans, is the greatest freedom document ever drafted by man, in all of human history.

Throughout American history, the Constitution, the centerpiece of our great "American experiment," has stood as a lighthouse of freedom through times of trial and triumph.

Around the globe, the Constitution remains a rock of freedom in an ever-changing world.

The founders brilliantly understood, and articulated through the Constitution, that the power of the government and the freedom of the individual are antithetical to each other.

Let's use the day to reflect on the enduring legacy of the Constitution and its role in shaping the nation we are today.

We re-dedicate ourselves to the great freedom document - the U.S. Constitution - on which we stand.

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