Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In 2014 A Former Nokia Technology Chief Blew The Whistle About Harms Caused By Mobile Phone Use

 In 2014, the Finnish newspaper Satakunnan Kansa posted an article about a former Nokia technology chief who said that mobile phones had wrecked his health.

Nokia's former Technology Chief for ten years, Matti Niemelä, was involved in the development the world's first mobile phones, memory sticks and WLAN [Wi-Fi] connections.

According to Niemelä, medical representatives weren't willing to take a position on whether mobile phone radiation caused his MS. Preliminary results showed that radiation increases the risk of MS. "I am a layman, not a doctor. MS is certainly caused by a number of factors, not just mobile-phone radiation. The radiation does increase my MS symptoms," he said.

"I'm not bitter, it was my own choice to work for Nokia,£ he said. He also didn't want to scare too many about cell phone dangers."A healthy person can use a mobile phone responsibly," he said.

Mobile phone manufacturer Nokia and Microsoft's current Senior Vice President Tom Kuuppelomäki assured that all products meet the requirements set by international health bodies and standards.

Nokia received another patent on Dec. 29, 1998, for an accessory radio-frequency unit that "decreases radiation towards the user's head. On Jan, 25, 2000, Nokia received a patent for a cell phone alarm system that would allow the user to "Reduce to a minimum the SAR value and the quantity of radiation directed at his head or body by employing the correct appliance position and situations and by adjusting the transmission time. Between a Rock and a Hard Place commented on the extracts above:"All the patents were taken by Nokia and other manufacturers at the same time when, and still, manufacturers continue to assure users that there are only thermal effects of radiation are non-thermal effects do not exist.

Based on these claims, manufacturers, in concert with ICNIRP, ICES and WHO, claim that cell phone users, no matter how old or young, no matter of how healthy or sick, are all perfectly protected from any health effects of cell phone radiation.

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