Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ilhan Omar Charged With Ethics Violations

 Recently, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar held a campaign rally with a former Somali prime minister, who spoke in her favor, noting that she would "Represent Somalia" and not "The interests of the American people" in Congress.

His appearance has led to an ethics complaint being filed against Ilhan Omar for violating federal election laws, and fighting those charges is likely to lead her into a world of woe.

US Rep. Ilhan Omar has been slapped with an ethics complaint by the American Accountability Foundation, a conservative watchdog group, for holding an event with former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire.

"Last weekend [Jun 30], Khaire took the stage with Omar in support of her reelection campaign. AAF argued Khaire's presence at Omar's campaign rally constituted a violation of the US Federal Election Campaign Act and demanded the congresswoman step down from office."

"We are deeply concerned by Ilhan Omar's illegal campaign rally with the former prime minister of Somalia. Omar already has a long history of statements indicating her disdain for America and allegiance to Somalia, but this goes beyond statements," the AAF wrote.

No one can accuse Ilhan Omar of "Dual loyalty." Her loyalty is clear: it is to Somalia, and Somalia alone.

Worst of all is this awful truth: as Hassan Ali Khaire said, and Omar did not contradict him, her "Interests aren't those of Minnesota or the American people, but those of Somalia." What more do we need to know about Ilhan Omar?

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