Sunday, July 14, 2024


 A couple of hours before the assassination attempt of President Donald Trump, I was sitting in a bar having a laugh with some new friends I had just met from Texas.

In the spirit of honest discourse among new friends, we began to rattle off the things we liked and didn't like about Trump, as well.

From Trump Airlines to Trump Steaks to Trump University to Trump's namesake casinos in Atlantic City, combined with allegations of not paying vendors that worked for him on projects and fabricating positive press about himself in the media, I don't fault people for taking that view of the man.

It's the same drive that empowered Trump to campaign obsessively in 2016 and then defy all odds to win the presidency.

If you're not his counterparty and he's negotiating on your behalf isn't that exactly what you want? Someone who will fight tooth and nail, to the death to win, and who refuses to be intimidated? If Trump is striking a deal that'll benefit the country, does it matter to you that it's his ego driving his bold nature?

Last night, after surviving an assassination attempt, President Trump didn't hurriedly rush off the stage.

We can talk about Trump's obsession with his image or how he lies about golf scores and bullshitted his way to the top.

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