Tuesday, July 2, 2024

EXCLUSIVE Don’t Be Fooled: Joe Isn’t Stepping Down

 Just as the media seemed to be waging a full-on assault against Biden, prominent Democrats stepped in with a rather different message.

In a matter of hours, the most senior and respected Democrat officials came out with public support for Biden.

If Biden's cognitive inabilities simply serve to underscore how opaque power is in the most powerful nation in the history of the earth, the struggle between the Democrat elite and the media will at least offer a glimpse as to the pecking order among two key components of our otherwise inscrutable power structure.

Bill O'Reilly is just one of many examples of media figures boasting reliable sources who have assured that Biden is on the outs.

Unless Biden dies or becomes a vegetable incapable of basic articulation or ambulation, he will remain the Democrat candidate on November 5.

As old-time Democrat strategist David Axelrod seems to recognize, the Democrats had their chance to get rid of Biden over a year ago, and now it is simply too late for any such effort not to do more harm than good to the Democrats' 2024 prospects.

The implication is that Kamala isn't merely unpopular with the public, but that she is profoundly hated by everyone around her: by activists, by the Biden White House, by Democrats in Congress, and by her own staff.

Amanda Terkel: NEW - Biden's campaign manager held a tense call with top donors today, outlining what would happen to the campaign infrastructure should Biden step aside.

There Is Nobody Anti-Biden in Control The very loud yelping from TV talking heads and D.C.-based columnists might make you think there is an overwhelming tide of Democrats standing up to insist Biden step aside.

Think to yourself: Have any actual lawmakers demanded that Biden leave? Has any Democrat with power come out to say that Biden's delegates should pick them instead at the forthcoming DNC? Have there been any public defections from the group surrounding Biden in the White House itself? Nope.

There is a big risk to being the first prominent Democrat to call for Biden to step aside.

If Biden stays in the race and wins, they will be frozen out of the Democrat inner circle as traitors.

If Biden is forced out and the replacement subsequently loses, they face the same problem.

For a great many Democrats, taking down Joe Biden is essentially taking down themselves.

As we explained last March, many of the most powerful people in the Democrat apparatus, including the only people capable of forcing him aside, owe their very prominence to Biden's patronage.

Harrison owes his position to being chosen by Joe Biden, and as expected of him, he's filled Rules and Bylaws with reliable Biden backers.

The position Harrison is in applies equally well to the members of Biden's cabinet, his circle of Oval Office aides, and others: Their prominence is tethered to Biden's presidency, so destroying that presidency means destroying their own status.

The fear of such a flare-up is one of the unspoken motivations behind the planned "Digital convention" to make Biden the official nominee prior to the August DNC. Well, want to guarantee a bitter fight next August? Put the actual nomination up for grabs! Instead of having a united party that only needs a champion, the Democrats are a divided, factional party that has only barely papered over their divisions for the sake of taking on Trump.

Money Printer Go Splat Whatever the failures of his presidency, and no matter how many ugly polls come out, the Biden campaign has at least been able to count on having a lot of money bundled up to fund the race against Trump.

There's another incentive that is even more direct: Plenty of campaign operatives and consultants are making bank off of their roles in the Biden campaign and will have no interest in potentially losing tens of millions of dollars by making a risky pivot to another candidate.

The single biggest reason that Joe Biden is going to stay in the race and stay the Democrat nominee is that Nobody Can Make Biden Quit This is the kernel at the heart of everything.

Biden's entire life is a life of pushing the envelope, looking out for the Bidens, and mostly getting away with it. 


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