Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dems' Plan B Whitmer sued for forcing therapists to help kids get sterilizing drugs disavowed by UK

"[T]here is no sound evidence" of long-term benefit from medical gender transitions, in contrast to the higher risk of liver, heart and blood disorders and cancer from cross-sex hormones and permanent sterility following "Full medical transition," they argue.

"Transgender individuals, too, have come forward, expressing profound grief at how hasty medical transitions have harmed them" and wishing they had received "Compassionate counseling to help them uncover the causes of their distress and to embrace their biological sex," the suit says.

HB 4616 subjects a "Mental health professional" to sanctions from probation to license revocation and a $250,000 fine for engaging in "Conversion therapy with a minor." HB 4717 defines "Conversion therapy" as seeking to change "Gender identity, including, but not limited to, efforts to change behavior or gender expression," but explicitly exempts pro-transition therapy.

Some LGBTQ people consider youth gender transition a form of conversion therapy, as they told Rolling Stone U.K. publisher Darren Styles when he criticized the new Labour government for continuing its Tory predecessor's clampdown on so-called gender affirming care for kids.

"The transitioning of children should be illegal," a self-identified trans person said.

Asked how a law that doesn't define "Gender transition" can be read to force therapists to help minors get medical transitions, Becket spokesperson Ryan Colby told Just the News "There is no reason to assume" it only applies to social transition - adopting names and pronouns at odds with one's sex and dressing as and using the facilities of the opposite sex.

The term is "Routinely used as an umbrella" for both forms of transition, he said, citing Human Rights Campaign guidance and the "Oft-cited" World Professional Association of Transgender Health's Standards of Care 8, which "Assume that psychotherapy is commonly offered during the process of a medical transition, including for youth." SOC8, which included age minimums until Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine pressured its drafters to remove them, recommends "Health care professionals involve relevant disciplines, including mental health and medical professionals, to reach a decision about" whether any given medical transition procedure is appropriate for a minor. 


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