Thursday, July 11, 2024

Can President Biden Resist His Dark Money Allies?

Does President Biden have any ability to resist his dark money allies? That question was teed up when the U.S. Supreme Court recently asked for the Biden Department of Justice, through the Solicitor General, to state its views on whether the Supreme Court should take up a dark-money-funded public nuisance lawsuit out of Hawaii.

Now the Supreme Court is showing an interest in taking up the key state sovereignty questions that these cases present and reviewing whether a single local government, backed by dark money donors, can reshape nationwide energy policy.

First the Justices want to hear from Joe Biden and his team of Supreme Court lawyers.

The case involves a state court of last resort, deciding an important federal question, in a way that conflicts with a decision of a United States Court of Appeals.

In terms of the sheer number of Supreme Court flip-flops, Biden stands alone amongst his recent predecessors.

The Supreme Court's CVSG order in the Honolulu case is going to be a big test of how far dark money influence goes with the Biden Administration, and how much liberal dark money groups can get away with at the Supreme Court with the help of President Biden and his Supreme Court lawyers.

The tea leaves here don't look good, given President Biden's track record, and given that the Honolulu case is being backed by the Arabella Advisors network, which has been called the Left's "Dark Money 'ATM Machine.'" But it is still important to watch this case, and the Solicitor General's brief, to see if President Biden fails yet another test at the Supreme Court, and whether the Supreme Court has finally lost patience with the gamesmanship by President Biden and his team at the Court. 

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