Saturday, July 13, 2024

Biden's U-Turn On Deporting Illegal Immigrants Will Last Only Until Election Day

 In both my books on the border, I offer the same remedy for halting the multinational onslaught of immigrant strangers transiting the infamous "Darien Gap" between Colombia and Panama en route to the besieged southwest U.S. border.

The Darien Gap passageway is a jungled 70-mile bottleneck of wilderness and foot trails, through which an estimated 1.5 million of more than 10 million illegal immigrants from around the world have crossed the U.S. border in the past three years.

An American government that really wants to shutter the passage must fund a large-scale deportation airlift from Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico all at once, I advised in my 2021 book, America's Covert Border War, The Untold Story of The Nation's Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration.

"The United States should demand that these countries install a U.S.-funded infrastructure that would fly all immigrants to origin countries anywhere in the world, on national security grounds," I again recommended in a second 2023 book, Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History.

No Republican border hawk ever took my homeland security-bolstering recommendation seriously, as I had hoped.

To my very great surprise, the most mass-migration-friendly administration in American history, Joe Biden's, the one that has widened the Darien Gap passage from a mere country lane into a superhighway, has now announced that it will be the one to put my deportation airlift idea into action, at least in Panama.

Not because the Democrat administration ran with my idea or that I'm some sort of policy genius, but because the administration knows a deportation airlift will serve the self-interest of winning reelection on Nov. 5 if done at scale, and because this remedy was obvious to just about anyone with a brain.

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