Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Biden's FDA Rushed COVID-19 Vaccine Approval For Children Despite Experts' Appeals For More Time To Study Negative Effects

 Biden's FDA rushed COVID-19 vaccine approval for children despite experts' appeals for more time to study negative effects.

The Biden administration pressured medical professionals to rush approval of the COVID-19 vaccine for children before there was sufficient testing to ascertain its safety, experts have testified, and when top FDA vaccine experts asked for more time to study the side effects of the jabs in young adults and children, they were fired.

The subcommittee also released an interim staff report about the topic, "Politics, Private Interests, and the Biden Administration's Deviation from Agency Regulations in the COVID-19 Pandemic," which explained how the Biden administration pressured the FDA to work outside of its regulatory authority to cut corners and change procedures to push through authorization of the Pfizer jab and booster shots, which effectively enabled them to issue vaccine mandates even as concerns persisted about vaccine injury.

She told the FDA's top vaccine regulator, Dr. Peter Marks, that the vaccine needed to undergo more testing in younger people, especially males aged 12 to 17.

Massie recounted: "Right when they were getting the warnings that myocarditis and pericarditis are real and serious side effects to the vaccine, the top scientists at FDA had already agreed to compress the schedule as much as possible, right when they got the message that there were serious side effects."

"And when they said that compressing the schedule was not possible, he fired them. He took them off the job, he assigned them to other duties. The top vaccine officials who had been there for 30 years, taken off the job because they wanted more time to study the effects of the vaccines. And they were told they needed to do this quickly because they needed to be mandated," Massie noted.

"During the pandemic, politics overruled science at the government institutions entrusted with protecting public health. The FDA abandoned its congressional directive to protect citizens from false claims and undisclosed side effects, and instead ignored its own rules to pursue a policy of promoting the vaccine while downplaying potential harms," Massie said.

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