Monday, July 15, 2024

Biden Snaps In Meeting Called To Reassure House Dems

 Embattled President Biden opened up a meeting with a group of Democratic US representatives by challenging them to ask him "Hard questions" about his candidacy and his fitness to serve - only to jump down the throat of a member who sought reassurance about the 81-year-old's ability to serve as a strong commander-in-chief.

Another source who was on the call told The Hill it was "Tense." That tension hit a crescendo when Colorado Rep. Jason Crow told Biden that, from a national security perspective, voters were uneasy about Biden being "At the helm when they go to sleep at night."

Multiple reps were queued up to ask questions, but Biden said he had to leave to attend mass near his Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home.

Earlier in the day, Biden had a much longer and more harmonious call with progressive Democrats, who've emerged as his staunchest defenders.

In a Saturday op-ed at the New York Times, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders called on Democrats to stop "Bickering and nit-picking," calling Biden "The most effective president in the modern history of our country and...the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump."

The New Democrat Coalition could end it: One rep on Biden's call said the group is considering a joint letter urging Biden to quit the race, and that his bad Saturday meeting "Probably" increased the odds that they'll do so.

Given the group's large size, that would make big waves, as it could cause the total number of Democratic House reps opposing Biden's campaign to grow by several multiples all at once.

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