Thursday, July 4, 2024

Americans Identifying as Democrats Sinks to Lowest Level on Record.

 In June, just 23 percent of individuals surveyed identified as Democrats.

Gallup began continuously recording party identification in 2004.Identification with the Republican Party stands at 25 percent.

The number of Americans identifying as political independents hit the highest number on record in the survey, with 51 percent saying they do not identify with any political party.

In June 2016, the year Donald J. Trump was elected to the White House, Democratic Party affiliation sat at 47 percent, compared to 42 percent identifying as Republicans.

Democrats held an even greater advantage in 2008, with 52 percent of respondents identifying with the party against 40 percent identifying as Republicans.

Historical data from Gallup shows that Republican identification dipped to its lowest, at 20 percent, in October 2013.

Before June's record low, Democratic identification hit its previous lows of 24 percent in September of both 2022 and 2023, during Biden's presidency.

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