Sunday, June 16, 2024

Wondering About an October Surprise

 An early "October surprise" may be in the works, potentially benefiting Democratic nominee Joe Biden as his approval rating slips. Tensions with Russia are rising, with the U.S. and NATO losing their proxy war in Ukraine. Recent Ukrainian attacks on Russian targets, including nuclear early warning radar systems, suggest Washington's willingness to play a high-stakes game of chicken.

These attacks have not prompted an overreaction from Russian President Vladimir Putin, but he has warned of potential consequences. In early June, Putin threatened to supply weapons to "some regions of the world" if Western countries continue to arm Ukraine. Moscow has also sent naval forces to the Caribbean for the first time in five years, signaling a more assertive stance.

The U.S. and its allies have much at stake in Ukraine, including the preservation of a "rules-based international order" and the exertion of U.S. hegemony. However, the primary motivation may be access to Russia's vast natural resources, estimated at $75 trillion. The U.S. and NATO aim to degrade Putin's grip on power, and Russia's success in Ukraine is seen as unacceptable.

The timing of these tensions coincides with the U.S. presidential election, leading some to speculate that a crisis could be manufactured to sway voters or serve as insurance against alleged election tampering. The U.S. is known for its cynical, self-serving, and corrupt political elite, who may not hesitate to create a crisis for their benefit.

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