Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Problem of Academic Management

American business is in big trouble, and the cause is what I call "Academic management" in government, politics, and business.

Politics definitely feeds off business, and the left has made a huge effort to control both business and the reporting of economics, but no one wants to talk about the 400-pound gorilla: the resulting bad management.

An old friend once said, "Big business exists for only one reason: to provide bonuses to middle- and upper-level management." He explained that the public, customers, employees, and stockholders are important, but only to be kept mollified in order to keep bonuses flowing.

Today, although his observation on modern management greed remains accurate, we've added intentional bad management, which is what I refer to as "Academic management." When I was young, I recall that college professors were poorly paid and really just advanced teachers.

The most obvious change that "Academic management" has brought is, of course, anti-white, anti-male, and anti-heterosexual discrimination.

The #2 message that we need to focus upon is merit, AKA "Fairness." The #3 message that we need to focus upon is law.

We live in a republic, a system of laws set by elected representatives.

A serious problem today is that the hard left desires to ignore laws that it does not like, not to change them.

Laws are made to be changed, not selectively enforced.

Our laws preclude the present influx of unvetted "Immigrants." But the present administration ignores the law.

When these vague and ever-changing morals and ethics are placed above the law, then the law ceases to be anything more than a bludgeon. 

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