Monday, June 17, 2024

MIGRANT CRIME ROUND-UP: Corrupt Border Guards, Chinese Triads, and Grandma Killers.

 Over the past week, new evidence has further validated Donald Trump's description of migrant crime as a "New category of crime." The National Pulse has uncovered numerous instances of illegal aliens committing crimes and sapping public resources, fraying America's social fabric.

GANGS MAP. On Friday, reporters published a map showing the explosion of transnational criminal organizations across the U.S., fueled by the illegal immigration crisis.

Medina-Hernandez's case stands out as he had reportedly been issued a driver's license despite the fact that "Michigan law requires an individual be 'legally present' to be issued a standard driver's license."It's extremely alarming to think Secretary Benson may be unlawfully issuing licenses to illegal immigrants," commented Republican State Senator Joseph Bellino.

Republicans are concerned about illegals obtaining documents allowing them to vote in U.S. elections, despite the fact this is technically illegal, due to similar weaknesses in the vetting process for registering to vote.

INFILTRATORS. U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement and the Joint Terrorism Task Force of the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested eight Islamic State terrorists in cities as far-flung as Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York City.The jihadists all hail from Tajikistan, the home country of the ISIS terrorists responsible for the March terror attack at Crocus Hall, near Moscow, that left over 140 Russians dead. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security warned in May that the U.S. is at risk of a similar attack.

Authorities discovered their terror links afterward, highlighting the dangers of allowing illegal aliens to remain free for years while their asylum claims are processed.

FOXES GUARDING THE HENHOUSE. Illegal immigration and drug smuggling are big business for cartels and so-called "coyote" people-smugglers-so big that organized criminals are increasingly able to pay off U.S. officials.

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