Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lawfare establishes new form of slavery

 Defamation may be emotionally or economically harmful The concept of awarding restitution for physical harm inflicted by proven purposeful action of individuals or corporate entities has ballooned into penalizing average citizens for exercising their First Amendment rights.

It's gone even farther than that when prosecutors make it their job to fund governmental agencies by inventing crimes in order to extort individuals for the same reason.

Criminal activity by individuals and corporate entities is defined by the release and application of products and procedures that have been proven to cause physical harm to individuals and their property.

Amount of damages have grown exponentially with the intent of completely subjugating the accused For this reason, the list of targets has widened from publicly recognized individuals like Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Alex Jones and sundry other conservatives, to include private citizens conscientiously praying on the sidewalks, and, during unconstitutional Covid lockdowns, in their own churches.

Whether or not a judge or jury in a case despises the defendant, an actual crime must be proven in order to strip that individual of their current wealth and, as is being seen, virtually all their future earnings to placate someone's bruised ego, sanction improper assessment of facts, or reward false witness.

Trump and Giuliani are victims of judicial misconduct in purposeful attempts to make them slaves to the State of New York and an individual in the first instance, and, in the second, to a pair of women inaccurately claiming defamation.

"What they have done is conscripted every penny #AlexJones may be able to earn for the rest of his life. Do S.H. parents deserve that for a person's commentary? No one, however much words may hurt them, has the right to make the individual who uttered them into their slave." -(Source) The 13th Amendment is consistently being flaunted by courts across the nation, as are 4th and 5th Amendment protections.

Whether imprisoning January 6 suspects without trial or unconstitutionally depriving individuals of their possessions and freedom to provide for themselves and their families without due process, denying the accused a defense, or even a trial, comes under this heading.

Law is being improperly used, abused in actuality, to silence dissention from that of administrative agencies, media, and consenting individuals controlling the narrative.

Confiscation of wealth in some of these cases go directly to state coffers, protected individuals, and millions to lobbying non-profits.

Lawfare is subjecting American citizens to financial slavery to individuals and organizations that have not proven their case.

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