Saturday, June 15, 2024

Judge Orders Alex Jones To Liquidate Assets To Pay Sandy Hook Families

 A federal judge overseeing the fight Sandy Hook school shooting victims' families brought against Infowars founder Alex Jones, over his claims it was faked by the government, has issued a ruling on the liquidation of his personal assets.

The Post Millennial reveals Christopher Lopez, a bankruptcy judge, said those assets will be liquidated to pay down on a massive civil judgment that two juries returned against Jones.

The report said Jones just a week ago had agreed to convert his bankruptcy case to a liquidation, and a ruling was pending on whether Jones' corporation, Free Speech Systems, also would be liquidated.

100%. 0%. If the judge determines Free Speech Systems must be liquidated, it would mean Jones losing any control of his company.

There have been some of Jones' supporters who have suggested they might buy assets.

The civil judgment against Jones was for about $1.5 billion.

The families have announced their intention to continue pursuing any future earnings by Jones, because they believe he'll keep broadcasting in some fashion.

Editor's Commentary:

This is a clear instance of the liberal judiciary overstepping its bounds and infringing on the freedoms of our citizens. Alex Jones, a patriot and a man of truth, is being unfairly targeted and punished for simply exercising his First Amendment rights.

The Sandy Hook tragedy was indeed a dark moment in our nation's history, and our hearts go out to the families who lost their loved ones. However, Mr. Jones' comments on the matter, though perhaps controversial, fall under the protection of free speech. In a true democracy, we must uphold the right to express our opinions, even if they are unpopular or disputed.

This judge's decision to order the liquidation of Mr. Jones' assets is a blatant attack on his livelihood and an attempt to silence his voice. It sets a dangerous precedent, where individuals can be financially ruined for simply voicing their beliefs. This is not the America we know and love, an America that stands for freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

This is a politically motivated effort by the left to stifle conservative voices and push their own agenda. We cannot stand idly by and watch as our fellow Americans are stripped of their rights and hard-earned possessions. We must rally behind Mr. Jones and send a clear message that we will not be intimidated or silenced.

I stand with Alex Jones, and I urge all freedom-loving Americans to do the same. Let us remind the world that we will always defend our God-given rights and that the truth shall prevail.  

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