Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jonathan Turley Eviscerates Merrick Garland: 'So Logically Disconnected, Even CNN Hosts Have Mocked' Him

In the Saturday column, titled "The Corruption of Attorney General Merrick Garland," Turley explains how he first "Enthusiastically supported" Garland's confirmation, only to come to the realization that after the Biden nominee was confirmed as AG, he was no more than another partisan political hack: When he was nominated, I believed that claim and enthusiastically supported Garland's confirmation.

Garland's tenure as attorney general has shown a pronounced reluctance to take steps that would threaten President Biden.

Turley also laid out the differences, as he sees them, between Garland's handling of Trump's criminal indictments involving classified documents in Florida and election interference in Washington D.C. and Hunter Biden's so-called "Gun trial" in Delaware.

Regarding the differences in the way Special Counsel Jack Smith approached Trump's cases versus Hunter's, Turley observed: Garland ... allowed Special Counsel Jack Smith to maintain positions that seem diametrically at odds with past Justice Department policies.

While Garland has said that he wants to give the special counsels their independence, it falls to him to protect the consistency and values of his department.

Garland's most brazenly political act has been the laughable executive privilege claim used to withhold the audiotape of the Hur-Biden interviews.

Garland has not made obvious efforts to reach a consistent approach in the two cases by dropping charges based on the same crimes by Trump in Florida.  

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