Sunday, June 16, 2024

Can half of Americans really hold their noses and vote for Biden?

President Joe Biden was viable again! In fact, he had caught up to Trump and was poised to overtake his lead in those polls.

ABC News trumpeted that "Trump and Biden are tied in 538's new election forecast."

Another headline declared "Trump and Biden neck and neck nationally and in battlegrounds - CBS News poll."

The question is this: can half of American voters really hold their nose long enough to cast a ballot for Biden? Can they really dismiss the overwhelming evidence that Biden is not just a poor president but a poor excuse for a human being who has barely governed at all for the last four years but merely presided as a demented figurehead over the collapse of the United States into chaos?

While Trump is routinely charged for the things you might find on "Judge Judy" and fined every time he posts on social media, Biden has faced no recriminations for being on the take for much of his political life and specifically for being "Mr. Big" to son Hunter Biden's Mr. Small.

Although Biden shows no concern over the vast violation of America's sovereignty, his obsession with the Ukrainian border has led us to the brink of a nuclear Third World War.

Neither Biden nor his handlers have ever taken Russian President Vladimir Putin seriously when he says Ukraine cannot be a member of NATO. Period. 

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