United Methodists Lose One Million Members in One Day, After Oversees Contingent Cuts Ties Over Same-Sex Support
In a continued blistering indictment against the destructive and damned United Methodist Church denomination, their largest overseas jurisdiction has voted to cut ties with them over their support of same-sex marriage and all things gay at their General Conference earlier this month, resulting in a loss of over a million members in a single day.
The United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast (EMUCI), which has been vocal about the denomination’s drift, held an extraordinary session on May 28th and pulled the trigger, casting their votes to disaffiliate “For reasons of conscience before God and His word, the supreme authority in matters of faith and life.”
Denominational leaders within the EMUCI have been unyielding in their resistance to the LGBTQ, declaring that their American counterparts “deviate from the Holy Scriptures” and prefer “to sacrifice its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community.”
Unlike the UMC, the EMUCI has been growing steadily and has long been the denomination’s largest conference, along with being one of the most vocal against the direction they’ve been heading. This split was foreshadowed earlier this month at the General Conference, when the President of the EMCUI, Bishop Benjamin Boni, told those gathered as a result of their move to embrace LGBTQ deviancy: “The United Methodist Church now rests on socio-cultural values that have consumed its doctrinal and disciplinary integrity.”
Editor's Commentary:
It's clear that the United Methodists are facing a crisis of faith and values. It's a sad day when a church denomination has to choose between upholding the Word of God and caving in to the demands of a secular culture that wants to redefine the very institution of marriage.
The Bible is very clear in its teachings on marriage, and it's disappointing to see a religious organization like the United Methodists falter on this issue. Marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman, intended for procreation and the foundation of a stable family unit. It is the bedrock of society, and any attempt to distort or undermine this institution is a direct attack on the values that have made our nation great.
I believe that the Methodists who chose to leave did so because they recognized that their church was abandoning its own principles and the teachings of the Bible. It's a wake-up call for all people of faith to stand firm in their beliefs and not be swayed by the relativism and moral ambiguity that is so prevalent in today's society.
This incident should also serve as a reminder to our political leaders that the majority of Americans still hold traditional values dear. Despite the efforts of the liberal elite to erase our heritage and rewrite history, we will not stand idly by and let it happen. We must continue to fight for what we believe in and ensure that our voices are heard, both in the public square and at the ballot box.
I have no issue with individuals who identify as LGBTQ. They are free to live their lives as they see fit. However, when their demands infringe upon the religious liberty and freedom of conscience of others, that is where I draw the line. No church or religious organization should ever be forced to compromise its beliefs to accommodate the wishes of a minority group.
Let us stand strong in our convictions, continue to spread the good word, and work towards a society that upholds the values of faith, family, and traditional marriage. God bless America!
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