Sunday, May 5, 2024

Typically, that General is Removed

If you remember, I was the Marine officer who, via video, made a plea for accountability from military leaders who purposely abandoned Bagram airbase, American citizens and American military sacrifices.

Why would military leadership want to convince parents of killed service members and the rest of the American public that ball bearings from a suicide vest were the only lethal hazard during the attack, despite video evidence demonstrating the opposite? Objectively, because the American military failure was so complete, a singular suicide bomber not affiliated with the Taliban was less damaging to an already fragile political narrative.

During the testimony he didn't address why a military strong-point within a section of Bagram Air base wasn't feasible with his limited numbers; or why he couldn't use public discourse to influence obvious military operational errors.

General McKenzie even publicly called the Taliban "a critical partner." And as if the list of Afghanistan military evacuation blunders wasn't long enough, following the complex attack at the gate, the American military conducted a retaliatory drone strike on the "ISIS-K" enemy.

Should American citizens expect honesty from military leadership if the truth reflects poorly on political leadership? The following interview reveals insights to the question.

To be clear, current military leadership protecting a culture of failure does not necessarily mean America has a politicized military as Risa Brooks proposes in her March 2024 Foreign Affairs article, "The Creeping Politicization of the U.S. Military." The University of California PhD, having never served in the military, is credentialed a "Military expert," because she, like many other Defense Department attachments, worked at a military academy.

These elitists want to protect the current establishment and believe if the next administration removes current military leaders, it will only further weaken the military.

The hard reality is that Americans cannot continue defending military leadership that clearly falls short in basic standards of competence, courage, and accountability.

Despite the PhD's protests, the next President must fix the culture of the military, and it starts by removing the current Defense Secretary, Chairman and all similar officers because silent obedience and incompetence should not be tolerated anymore in the American military.

Anyone believing the losing culture of the military can be changed while maintaining current military leadership should contemplate the following three questions: 1) Was the Afghanistan Withdrawal/Evacuation a military failure? 2) Should a General Officer be fired or held accountable for losing a war? 3) Do General Officers have an obligation to publicly tell the truth while still in uniform? A "Yes" answer to any of the above question signals the need for changes in military leadership.

Rebuilding our military should start with a simple phrase intended for those protecting the losing military culture, something like, "You're fired." 

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