Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Trump Hush Money Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo Was DNC Political Consultant, Ex-Obama Donor

A Manhattan prosecutor heading up the "Hush money" case against former President Donald Trump was a political consultant for the Democratic National Committee in 2018 - and once donated to Barack Obama.

The DNC paid Matthew Colangelo $12,000 in January 2018 for "Political consulting," Federal Election Commission filings show, and the prosecutor also donated $400 to Obama's first presidential campaign in 2008.

During opening arguments last month, Colangelo told jurors that Trump and Cohen participated in a "Criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 election," - even though the case is not federal and the payments to reimburse Cohen weren't made until after Trump took office in January 2017.

"I just uncovered that the Far Left NYC prosecutor sent from Biden's DOJ to arrest President Trump was PAID BY THE DNC," Stefanik posted on X. "This is ILLEGAL ELECTION INTERFERENCE.".

In April 2017, Colangelo also collaborated on an op-ed with then-DNC chair Tom Perez that ripped Trump for tanking efforts to automatically enroll private-sector workers in local government retirement plans.

Around the same time, Colangelo authored another op-ed and hosted a forum at Georgetown University knocking the Trump administration's decision to roll back other Obama-era regulations - including a reversal of Title IX discrimination protections for students based on gender identity.

Colangelo went on to serve in the New York State Attorney General's office, assisting on an investigation of the Trump Foundation and signing on to a lawsuit against Trump's Commerce Department that opposed adding citizenship questions to the US Census in 2020. 


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