Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Party Of 'Death To America'

There was, if hazy memories recall correctly, a time when the Democratic Party was merely an alternative to the Republican Party and not a threat to the country.

" Speaking recently to Dave Rubin of the Rubin Report, Gabbard noted that "We have seen now consistently throughout his entire administration over these last three and a half years, consistently pushing policies that undermine our freedom, that make our country less safe and less secure, and that is very quickly unraveling and" wrecking the backbone of the country.

Though Gabbard left the party not even two years ago, what we're seeing is not new.

Says author David Horowitz, has long been filled with radical activists who "Cannot be negotiated with." "There is no living alongside it. Either Americans defeat the Neo-Nazi Left or the Neo-Nazi Left defeats America," says Horowitz.

While there were Democrats in the 1960s and 1970s, and a few in the 1980s, who were centrists in both name and deed, the party is now owned by this "Neo-Nazi Left." The takeover is complete, having reached the point that today Democrats are closely aligned with terrorists.

Bullying Israel while treating the terrorists who invaded that country as if they're a voting constituency.

Even Elon Musk, who in the past voted "Overwhelmingly" for Democrats, recognizes that they "Have become the party of division and hate." What they want is a new America that is nothing like the country the founders gave us and would more closely resemble an authoritarian state ruled by, yes, the Neo-Nazi Left.


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