Monday, May 6, 2024

Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology.

 In continuous publication since 1845, Scientific American is the country's leading mainstream science magazine.

American journalism has never been very good at covering science.

"Scientific American is changing from a popular-science magazine into a social-justice-in-science magazine," Jerry Coyne, a University of Chicago emeritus professor of ecology and evolution, wrote on his popular blog, "Why Evolution Is True." He asked why the magazine had "Changed its mission from publishing decent science pieces to flawed bits of ideology."

"The old Scientific American that I subscribed to in college was all about the science," University of New Mexico evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller told me.

The leading U.S. science journals, Nature and Science, and the U.K.-based New Scientist made a similar pivot, he says.

Science writers at most major news outlets and science news outlets have spent the last four years obfuscating and misrepresenting facts about the origin of the pandemic.

"Whenever research can help inform policy decisions, it's important for scientists and science publications to share what we know and how we know it," Scientific American editor Helmuth says.

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