Friday, May 3, 2024

Peter Daszak Perjures Himself Before Congress: Criminal Prosecution Imminent?

 It came to light that month that the Republican House had successfully cajoled EcoHealth president Peter Daszak - the dutiful conduit through which Anthony Fauci funneled gain-of-function research cash to the Wuhan lab from whence COVID likely emerged - to subject himself to questioning under oath on May 1.

EcoHealth-a U.S.-based non-profit whose mission is to prevent pandemics-used taxpayer dollars to fund dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

"The Chairs are calling on Dr. Daszak to address the discrepancies in his testimony and publicly explain EcoHealth's relationship with the WIV.".

"Republicans in the US House of Representatives publicly grilled infectious-disease specialist Peter Daszak today during a long-awaited hearing on Capitol Hill. In their questioning they suggested that Daszak and the non-profit organization he heads, EcoHealth Alliance in New York City, knowingly conducted dangerous research by studying coronaviruses in partnership with a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China, the city in which the first COVID-19 cases were reported".

"At the start of the hearing, subcommittee chairman Brad Wenstrup, a Republican representative from Ohio, announced the findings of a report evaluating EcoHealth's research activities, which was issued earlier in the day. The interim report, released by the subcommittee's Republican members, states that EcoHealth failed to disclose high-risk, 'gain-of-function' research that it conducted in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Furthermore, the report recommends that the organization should be barred from receiving future federal funds and criminally investigated."

souping up coronaviruses to make them more infectious and deadly - the obvious, common-sense, universally understood definition of "Gain-of-function" - is somehow not gain-of-function research.

"Daszak disagreed that the work carried out by EcoHealth and the WIV met the definition of gain-of-function research. To fall under that category, he said, an experiment would need to be likely to increase a virus's transmission or pathogenicity, and the virus would already have to be known to infect humans. 'Because the work we were doing was on bat coronaviruses, it was not covered by those rules,' Daszak said, referring to a definition used by the US National Institutes of Health to evaluate grants involving research with pathogens".

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