Friday, May 3, 2024

Newly freed J6 defendant shares exclusive, real story about how Officer Harry Dunn LIED on the stand…

The Blaze: Lazarus claimed he saw Dunn involved in a conflict with the Oath Keepers as Lazarus came up the stairs.

Dunn claims the opposite: that he saw Lazarus involved in a conflict as Dunn came up the stairs.

Apparently, neither Dunn's ghostwriter nor his editor checked the Oath Keepers trial transcript, in which Lazarus claims to recount the same moment in time: Hughes: How was your evacuation efforts? How did you interact with this space? Where were you going in relation to what we're looking at now? Lazarus: So I came up from the first level, and I came up the stairs behind Dunn.

Dunn claims to have first seen Lazarus already at the top of the staircase being "Hassled by rioters" when he arrived.

The man who wasn't there Capitol CCTV reveals that Dunn reached the top of the staircase landing at exactly 2:44 p.m. Dunn could not have seen Lazarus there, as Lazarus is clearly identifiable on video in the tunnels near the Senate office buildings at the same time.

Lazarus could not have seen Dunn interacting with the Oath Keepers "Three or four times" in a "Very antagonistic" encounter, because Lazarus did not arrive at that staircase until 2:56:45 p.m. The last Oath Keeper left 2:53:30.

In Lazarus' own trial testimony, he claimed he was not present when video footage shows that Dunn was actually at the top of the stairs. 

You can watch the full video here: 

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