Wednesday, May 8, 2024

It's No Longer Cool To Be A Democrat

The nation's youth are waking up to the fact that the Democratic left - with its preening, humorless self-righteousness, its relentless judgmentalism, its mask-wearing Hamas-cheering campus-trashing college crybabies, its hypocritical pampered elites, and its octogenarian president who thinks he can buy young people off with abortions, dope, and bailouts - is totally uncool.

The college protests have succeeded only in making young leftists look like racist pansies who are trashing campuses to defend.

Young people can't help but notice keffiyeh-wearing students - with the tacit approval of the kowtowing college administrators and the Democratic Party - engaging in nakedly antisemitic chants and even barring pro-Israel blacks from walking across campus.

Young people also have watched as the left turned on beloved liberal authors such as J.K. Rowling and popular liberal black comedians like Dave Chappelle because they won't bend the knee to the radical transgender movement.

Peter Heck, writing in Not the Bee, observed that "Conservatives should be seizing on the rebellious streak in young people to fight back against these would-be anarcho-fascists. This left-wing movement represents a clear and present danger to the very freedoms young people so desperately crave." He goes on to say "The left has done an admirable job of winning over the youth by painting the right as the movement that opposes freedom and fun. Reality has always been the opposite."

They built influence campaigns around changing young people's attitudes about smoking.

Leftism can be just as appealing to young, underdeveloped minds as smoking was back then. 

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