Friday, May 3, 2024

Investigation: Biden Order Focuses On Registering Convicts To Vote

An executive order signed by President Joe Biden has focused on registering convicts to vote and exclusively involved left-wing non-governmental organizations, an investigation from the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project revealed.

In March 2021, Biden signed an executive order titled "Promoting Access to Voting," which he billed as a "Nonpartisan" government-wide effort to "Expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process."

The Oversight Project obtained unredacted notes from the Listening Session which revealed a heavy focus on registering convicts to vote.

In one particular note, an official with the Sentencing Project mentioned the importance of having the Bureau of Prisons notify "Newly eligible voters of their right to vote." That official also suggested that "Felony disenfranchisement is voter suppression."

Another official with the Campaign Legal Center said they want to see the Bureau of Prisons implement a voter registration system that informs convicts of their right to vote after they are released from prison.

Another official with Asian Americans Advancing Justice said "Voter registration info" should be "Mandatory at naturalization ceremonies" and the government's official website for voter registration should be translated into many languages.

In its memo, executives with the Oversight Project called Biden's executive order "a partisan voter mobilization effort" that seeks to "Influence the outcome of future elections through the use of federal resources, infrastructure, and reach." 

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