Monday, May 6, 2024

Has Leftist Lawfare Created the Police State Yet?

 Their targeted victims have purposely included some of the most credentialed, accomplished, prominent, well-connected, and well-heeled Americans, people such as cabinet members, generals, journalists, and even attorneys of those same victims.

All of these people, both the prominent and the ordinary, have been subjected to SWAT raids, shackles and frog marches, subpoenas, lawsuits, IRS visits, prison, solitary confinement, and other humiliations.

The message to Joe Citizen is clear: "If we can take down these people, including a U.S. president and billionaire and anyone who supports him, just imagine what we can do to you." But that citizen doesn't have to imagine that message.

Many of these people have been incarcerated for years, some in solitary confinement, without even being charged, let alone tried, and without access either to medical care or the evidence that would likely exonerate them.

Americans are likely terrified that the extensive lawfare being waged against Trump and others can and will be directed at them if they act or perhaps even speak up incorrectly.

Anyone who points that out and refuses to acknowledge Donald Trump as a "Criminal" or even "Felon" will likely be given the J6 treatment by the cabal.

Let us hope that the answer to Mr. Kimball's question about why more people aren't up in arms isn't because we are already there.

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