Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Half The US Senate Notifies Biden They Oppose WHO's Pandemic Treaty

 Last Wednesday, 49 members of the US Senate threw down the gauntlet to President Joe Biden over his administration's secretive plan to make the World Health Organisation Dictator-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the dictator of US public health.

In this statement and the letter that is quoted, the term Pandemic Accord is used for Pandemic Treaty.

In one of the most powerful joint congressional letters in memory, spearheaded by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, every Republican Senator declared that "The most recently available version of the pandemic response treaty is dead on arrival."

Every member of the Republican caucus in the United States Senate - constituting nearly half the chamber at the moment and whose numbers are universally expected to grow after November's elections - is now on record in strong opposition to the Biden administration's "Global Governance" gambit.

In light of the high stakes for our country and our constitutional duty, we call upon you to withdraw your administration's support for the current IHR amendments and pandemic treaty negotiations, shift your administration's focus to comprehensive WHO reforms that address its persistent failures without expanding its authority, and should you ignore these calls, submit any pandemic related agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent.

Every GOP Senator has also cosponsored Senator Johnson's S.444, the "No Pandemic Preparedness Treaty without Senate Approval Act." This legislation and its House counterpart, H.R. 1425, sponsored by Rep. Tommy Tiffany of Wisconsin and 34 of his colleagues, should now be considered "Must Pass" legislation.

These efforts are all the more urgently required as the Biden administration, the WHO and others are beginning to fear-monger about a new pandemic dubbed "Avian flu." Even though - as the eminent frontline medical freedom fighter Dr. Peter McCullough has documented - this virus poses negligible risk to humans, US government officials, the WHO and other shills for Big Pharma are trumpeting the need for and imminent availability of mRNA-powered so-called "Vaccines" to "Keep us safe." 


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