Saturday, May 4, 2024

Full-Time Jobs Fall Again As Total Employment Flatlines In April

 Total employed persons can fall while total jobs increases.

For April, as total jobs rose by 175,000, total employed workers rose only 25,000.

Looking at total growth in employed persons, versus total growth in "Jobs" we find that there is virtually no growth in employed persons in spite of constantly rising totals of jobs.

Over the same nine months that total employed persons has stagnated-and total jobs increased 1.8 million-we find primarily growth in part-time jobs.

The graph compares how much full time and part time jobs have grown since January 2022.

The full-time jobs indicator now reflects what we've seen in temporary jobs for months.

Temporary jobs are often the first jobs to be eliminated by firms, and as the BLS puts it, "Flexible labor arrangements provided by temp agencies allow firms to scale down their operations readily and without the added expense of separation pay or having to let go of their best workers." In a weakening economy, there is no longer a need to use THS workers as a means of screening potential new workers or adding work hours to supplement the full-time work force.

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