Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Data: 224K People Listed On NC Voter Rolls 'Missing' ID Numbers

North Carolina voter data lists more than 224,000 people with registration dates after January 2004 whose records are "Missing" both the last four digits of their Social Security number and a driver's license identification number, according to public records obtained by The Federalist.

"Each State must establish a computerized State-wide voter registration list and verify new voter information with the State's Motor Vehicle Administration." These requirements went into effect on Jan. 1, 2004.

Data obtained via public records request in April by Carol Snow, who is affiliated with the North Carolina Audit Force group, and reviewed by The Federalist appears to show that since January 2024, more than 4,500 additional voters were added to the rolls despite their records indicating no SSN or driver's license identification number.

Womack told The Federalist the state has struggled to "Maintain accurate voter lists or to adequately screen new applicants for those lists" due to what he describes as "Overly restrictive legal interpretations" of HAVA and the National Voter Registration Act.

Gannon acknowledged to The Federalist that the board has no "Reason to believe" that the 224,000 figure and other numbers represented by the data are "Inaccurate." He said the number would encompass not only voters who did not provide an identifying number but also those whose identifying information "Does not validate through the database check with DMV and SSA.".

Gannon also added that federal law "Requires election officials to process a voter registration form from a voter who says they do not possess an SSN or DL number. These voters will lack an SSN or DL number in their record entirely, but they must also confirm their identity before voting pursuant to" state law.

Earlier this month, the NCSBE dismissed a complaint from Snow in which she claimed to have found instances of potential duplicate voters on the voter rolls, according to WRAL. Board staff argued Snow's claims were false "Apparently due to mistakes or to Snow lacking access to certain data the state has but the public doesn't - such as voters' Social Security numbers - to keep tabs on voters with similar names" such as fathers and sons. 

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