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Countdown To Next Step In Dems' War On Democracy Starts Now

 You have every reason to spend the next five months anticipating anything and everything to keep voters from installing Donald Trump back in the White House through a process formerly known in America as a "Free and fair election." Up to and including assassinating the candidate whom every indicator has winning in November.

While President Biden and his party have devoted every waking hour to calling Trump a "Threat to democracy," they've attempted to remove his name from the ballot, censored public information, and shoveled billions of taxpayer dollars into a corrupt Eastern European country that has canceled its elections.

Immediately after the convictions were delivered Thursday afternoon, Trump's campaign website crashed multiple times with its servers overwhelmed by visitors who searched "Donald Trump donation." The Trump people said the result was a record $35 million in small-dollar gifts.

In short, Trump's campaign isn't dead. And he's not either.

What's next? There is inevitably a "Next." Pandemic? It's been done before.

They have the media and the permanent Washington bureaucracy locked and loaded.

Trump now awaits his sentencing, which will take place more than a month from now in front of a Democrat judge who threatened to throw him behind bars in the middle of the trial.

Editor's Commentary: 

Judge Merchan’s Jury Instructions Prove Trump’s Trial Is About Power, Not The Law

It is no surprise that the left-wing media and their allies in the courtroom are attempting to use this trial as a political weapon against President Trump. This is yet another witch hunt, a partisan crusade to discredit and undermine a true American patriot.

Judge Merchan's jury instructions are a clear indication that this trial is not about a fair and impartial interpretation of the law, but rather an exercise in political theater. The left knows that they cannot defeat President Trump at the ballot box, so they resort to these underhanded tactics, hoping to tarnish his reputation and sway public opinion.

President Trump has always been a champion of the rule of law and a staunch defender of our Constitution. He has fought for the American people and their freedoms, while the left seeks to tear down our nation and reshape it according to their socialist agenda.

This trial is a distraction. It is an attempt to divert attention away from the real issues facing our country, such as the Biden administration's disastrous policies that are driving up inflation, weakening our borders, and compromising our national security.

We support President Trump during these challenging times. He needs our voices now more than ever to counter the biased media and their relentless attacks. Remember, this is not about legal technicalities, but about preserving our freedom and way of life, which are under threat by those who wish to fundamentally transform our great nation.

Send the message that we will not be intimidated, that we see through their political games, and that we stand united behind President Trump and the values that make America great.


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